Our services can be summarised under six simple headings:

HR Support, Advice, Guidance & Resources
A transparent, annual fixed cost, for unlimited email, telephone and/or Teams support throughout the period of cover. Any HR resource required to enact our advice and guidance will be drafted bespoke for you. You'll also be provided with any additional HR resources and templates that are required to support the course of action being taken.

HR Core Resources
You will be fully covered for every day HR administration, by being provided with operationally bespoke Offer Letters, Contracts of Employment as well as an Employee Handbook containing all required Policies & Procedures. You'll also receive your GDPR Statement, Privacy Notices and Pension Auto-Enrolment resources - all personalised bespoke for your organisation.

HR Essentials Online Bookcase
You'll have access to our entire library of mini-suites of HR Essential - which provides clients with legal advice, guidance and resources 24/7/365. Current suites include GDPR, Auto-Enrolment Pensions, HR Administration, Working Time Directive, National Minimum Wage, Zero Hours Employment, Holidays, Family Leave, Sickness Management, Performance Management, Homeworking, Fixed-Term Contracts, Employment Status and Redundancy.

HR Essentials Bitesize Newsletter
All clients will receive our HR Essentials Bitesize Newsletter, sent approximately twice a month. This is our 60 second read delivered straight to your inbox - covering subjects such as impending changes to employment law, pertinent HR challenges clients are contacting us about, proactive support and guidance about employment matters of interest etc.

Handbooks, Toolkits & Resources
Our Handbooks, Toolkits & Resources provide all the required policies and procedures for a specific subject area - and include Zero Hours Staff, Health & Safety, Performance & Development Reviews, Managing Redundancies, Working with Contractors and Engaging with Volunteers. Take out a Diamond Support or Football HR Support contract and you'll have access to all of the above for one inclusive price. Clients with a Gold Support contract can select any of these Handbooks, Toolkits & Resources at a 25% discounted price.

Our Bolt-Ons are focused in more niche, non-HR subject areas and brings more than 15 years of expertise to areas that include Child Safeguarding, Adult at Risk Safeguarding, Safeguarding Training, Trustees Good Governance and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Toolkits. We also offer On-Site HR Consultancy & Support, as well as Desk-Bound HR Consultancy. And every one of our Bolt-Ons are available to our Gold Support, Diamond Support and Football HR Support clients with a 25% discount.