Every business will claim that they are different from the competition, but the following is what our clients say makes us feel different from what other HR providers do.

We are Entirely Employer Focussed
Employers tell us, that whenever they speak to other HR professionals, they're told about all of the things that they can't do, in relation to their HR challenge! We take an entirely different approach with our clients.
Of course employees are your most important asset. However, as HR professionals - who have come from a commercial and operational background - we have never lost focus of the fact that unless the company is successful there are no jobs for employees. Accordingly, our HR Support, Guidance, Advice and Resources are entirely focussed on the needs of the employer.
We understand that only successful businesses can support the best employee opportunities!

We do not Advertise for New Business
Of course we like to take on new clients, but we haven't actively advertised for new business in the last 15 years. The reason for this is two-fold. The first is that we work proactively to protect the extremely high levels of personal service that our existing clients love us for. A large influx of new clients - who typically require greater levels of support from us in the first six to 12 months - could compromise that service. We will never put the pursuit of new clients above the service we provide to our existing clients.
The second, is that our modest and realistic annual growth targets have been achieved every year by existing client recommendation alone.
Zero advertising costs - for sensible and sustained growth - is surely the nirvana of every business!

We have a Self-Imposed Cap on New Clients
This follows on from the above answer we gave. We're a family business, providing exceptional personal service to our clients. We never wanted to grow for the sake of growing - and neither us nor our clients want us to turn into a call centre. So, we have always operated on the principle, that we will not allow new business to go above 10% annually.
The fact that we can achieve that figure without any advertising costs, is also a welcome bonus!

We have Client Retention of over 95%
A transparent price, for a single period 12 month contract; and no small print that traps clients to stay with us . So the fact that over 95% of the clients - who have ever taken out an HR support contract with us - have chosen to renew every year since, speaks volumes about how we do business. We are proud to have clients that have been with us five, 10 and 15 years plus.
We believe we should make it compelling for our clients to want to stay with us, rather than making it difficult for them to leave!

Everything we do is Personal & Bespoke
We've always felt that just providing a client with access to a large library of HR templates still requires them to know what to leave in and what to take out - and perhaps most importantly - to know what they shouldn't be adding in. We take great pride in having always provided our clients with a service that writes every letter that they need, bespoke for what they are dealing with. No guess work on the part of the client and no risk of them getting it wrong.
Personalised 1:1 client support and bespoke HR resources. Always!